Home Remedies for Groin Strain

Home Remedies for Groin Strain -
mild groin strains can be effectively managed with simple home remedies such as rest and applying ice. A groin injury, also called adductor or pulled groin strain occurs when a muscle located at the inner thigh is stretched beyond what it can take. Tearing of muscle fibers may or may not occur. Home remedies for mild groin injury can help manage your symptoms.

What you can do

For mild cases of groin injury, applying the RICE therapy may just be enough to relieve your symptoms. RICE stands for rest, applying ice, compression and elevation. We will discuss in detail.

  • Rest

    At the time when you felt discomfort or pain in the thigh or groin inner area during a the activity or sport, you have to stop and get some rest. Continuing your business through your pain can lead to other injuries. Avoid movements that aggravate pain, such as running, kicking, or jumping. complete bed rest for a long time is not desirable, however. You can still make some home activities while avoiding putting too much stress on the inner thigh muscles.

  • Apply Ice

    Apply an ice pack or cold compresses as you rest. Icing can help reduce your pain and prevent or reduce swelling. To apply an ice pack, wrap the package with a towel and put on your inner thigh where you feel pain or have swelling. Do this for 15 to 20 minutes at a time, every three to four hours for two to three days or until your symptoms go away. Avoid direct contact between the ice and your skin as this can cause frostbite injuries.

  • Compression

    Use a compression bandage when not to apply ice. Wrap an elastic bandage on the injured leg. This can help reduce swelling. Do not wrap the bandage too tight, as this can affect the blood flow to the lower leg. If you are unsure of how to properly wrap a bandage, you can skip this step. Or, ask a qualified professional such as a physical therapist to teach you or do for you.

  • Elevate your member

    As you rest, elevate your membership to help minimize swelling.

other things that you can do

You can take over-the-counter drugs against pain to help relieve your pain and swelling. Taking certain analgesics for long periods is not recommended, however. Ask your doctor which drugs the pain you can take, at what dose, and for how long.

Perform progressive range of motion and flexibility / stretching exercises to help improve your joint and muscle flexibility once your symptoms have disappeared. Avoid returning to your usual sport too early. Your physical therapist can help you create a comprehensive rehabilitation program to prepare you for your return to your usual sport of high intensity
  • Groin stretch -. Adductor muscle stretch

When asking Consulting

You should seek medical help if
  • You experience intense pain and swelling at the time of your injury.
  • You are unable to move your leg.
  • You felt a "pop" or "snap" into your inner thigh at the time of your injury.
  • You notice your thigh is distorted.
  • your symptoms worsen despite home treatments.
  • You have pain in the groin, for no apparent reason.
  • You are not sure of the severity of your injury.


You may be able to reduce your chances of getting groin injury by doing warm-up exercises, stretching and strengthening your adductor muscles. Learn more about our preventing groin injury boards .

See also
  • All About Groin Strains

  • groin Strain Causing groin pain
  • groin pain From groin Strain
  • physical therapy groin Strain

More topics:

Conditions / injury | Physical Therapy | Health and Well-being

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