Groin Strain

Groin Strain - Prevention Tips
Groin strain can be painful and can affect athletic performance. Grain strain occurs when a muscle of your inner thigh muscles called adductors, is overstretched or torn causing groin pain and swelling. Here are some tips on how to avoid fatigue groin.

Groin Strain Prevention Tips

  • Reheat before an Athletic competition

    L warm up before performing strenuous activities can help reduce your chances of getting a groin injury. By doing so, you can help prepare your muscles for the hard work they are about to face. Try to warm up for at least twenty minutes.

    After your competition or training, trying to cool down exercises. Ask your physiotherapist or coach to help them develop a warm up and cool down routine.

  • Perform exercises stretching

    The achievement of stretching exercises can improve your muscle flexibility and can help prevent injury to 'groin. When you do your stretches for the groin muscles and adductor muscles, try to hold the stretch to give enough time for your muscles to react and longer.

    Avoid jerky movements when you are stretching.

  • exercise regularly

    condition your muscles by performing a combination of exercises. Maintenance of muscle strength and flexibility can greatly help to prevent groin injuries and other musculoskeletal disorders. Your personal physiotherapist or other trained professional can help you create an appropriate exercise routine.

  • Eat a well balanced diet

    Eat regular healthy, well-balanced diet can help you maintain a healthy weight and keep your muscles strong and energized . Carbohydrates are essential to fuel your muscles. Try to eat something that is rich in carbohydrates, a few hours before exercise or competition.

    Drink plenty of fluids before and during exercise or training to help replenish fluids lost from sweating.

See also
  • All About Stem groin

  • groin Strain Causing groin Pain
  • Factors contributing groin Strain
  • remedies groin Strain house
  • physical therapy for groin Strain

sprains and strains. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS). Available at Accessed June 12, 2011

Muscle strains in the thigh. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS). Available at Accessed during and after exercise June 12, 2011

Eating and Drinking Before ,. Volunteer Emergency Service - Healthwatch. Available at Accessed June 12, 2011

More topics:

Conditions / Injuries | Physical Therapy | Health and Well-being

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