What is the biceps?

What is the biceps? -
Where is located biceps?

Your biceps is a large muscle on the front of your arm. This muscle and the brachialis, occupies the major part of the anterior (front) your arm compartment.

The biceps should not be confused with another muscle called the biceps femoris, which is located in the back of your thigh

Attachments / origin and insertion of the biceps brachial

top of your biceps is attached to your shoulder bone by two tendons -. long and short head of the biceps. Tendons are strong bands of muscles attached to bones tissues. The long head of your biceps attaches to the top of your shoulder socket (glenoid). Your glenoid cavity is lined with soft tissue cartilage called the labrum. This fabric will keep the head of your arm bone (humerus) fit outlet shoulder.

The short head biceps, on the other hand, binds to bone area in front of your shoulder blade called the coracoid process.

The other end of your biceps attaches to your radius (radial tuberosity). Your department is one of the two bones of the forearm.

your biceps function

With your brachial muscle, your biceps helps elbow flexion. In addition, your biceps
  • Help turn your forearm so that your palm is facing up when the elbow is bent and palm facing forward when the elbow is straight.

  • helps to keep your shoulder and steady is when you try to move your arm forward.

Injuries / Conditions affecting the biceps

As we age, our tendons tend to become weak by daily wear. General long-term repetitive movements (eg up to carry or support objects) can contribute to this wear as well.

The weakening of your biceps and / or sudden force or general movements jerky puts you at risk. for biceps injury

injuries or conditions that can affect your biceps include:
  • biceps tendinitis tendinitis aka biceps
  • biceps tendon rupture
  • strain Biceps
  • biceps muscle tear

If you experience severe pain or if you are unable to move your arms after injury , do not hesitate to consult your health care provider for diagnosis and appropriate treatment

related reading :.
  • About Tendonitis
  • Common Types of Tendonitis

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