Groin Strain Causing groin strain groin pain

Groin Strain Causing groin strain groin pain - occurs when one of your adductor muscles in your thigh is overwhelmed or pulled. Your adductor muscles, located on your inner thigh, help move your thigh to your midline of your body or beyond, as when you cross your legs. Groin strains are common in sports such as football and ice hockey. The condition is also called adductor strain.


The symptoms of groin injury depends on the bad your muscle fatigue , whether the involved muscle is stretched beyond its limit or torn. The most common symptom is pain. You may also experience
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness on the site of injury
  • muscle weakness
  • Difficulty walking

Consult your doctor immediately if you have any pain or if you are not sure of the severity of your injury.


slight groin strains usually heal quickly with rest and some home remedies. immediately apply an ice pack (wrapped with a towel) to the area of ​​your injury may help relieve pain and reduce or prevent swelling. drugs against pain The decision may also help.
  • home remedies for Groin Strain
  • When using ice to Muscle Strain

Cases severe may require special medical treatment. Surgery may be necessary for a torn adductor muscle. You may be required to undergo physical therapy to your groin injury.

In all cases, you should avoid movements that aggravate your symptoms. This will help enable the healing of your strained muscle.

Perform gentle range of motion and stretching exercises once your symptoms are gone or your doctor says that you can perform exercises. Your physiotherapist can offer you a comprehensive exercise program to help you regain your original or sports activities.

Groin Strain Prevention

You might be able to help prevent groin injury by performing a good warm up, cool down, and stretching exercises enhancement. Read our Groin Strain Prevention Tips .

See also
  • All About Groin Strains
  • physical therapy for groin Strain
  • adductor muscles - Hip adductor muscles
  • Difference between sprain and Strain

More subjects:

Conditions / injury | Physical Therapy | Health and Well-being

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