Physical therapy for pulled muscles

Physical therapy for pulled muscles -
Pulled muscles can give you considerable pain and may limit your athletic performance. If you have severe muscle injury, you may need to completely avoid participating in sports and certain activities at home or at work. A pulled muscle injury is also called muscle fatigue.

A pulled muscle occurs when one of your muscles is overloaded or pulled causing irritation or tearing of muscle fibers.

physical therapy to pulled muscles

During your first visit to your therapist for your pulled muscle, your therapist will probably ask about your symptoms; your activity at the time of your injury; and related medical history. Your PT will then conduct a complete physical examination and evaluation of your injured muscles, including other associated structures, such as your joints.

After your initial assessment, your physiotherapist will create a comprehensive treatment plan designed specifically for you based on your symptoms, the severity of your injury, the result of your assessment and review, and your goals.

your physical therapy rehabilitation program will be a combination of
  • physical agents (eg ice or heat)
  • electrotherapeutic modalities such as ultrasound and TENS
  • exercises (eg, range of motion exercises, stretching exercises)
  • activity or modification work

physiotherapy treatment options for pulled muscles

There is no effective treatment for pulled muscles. In most cases, the type of physiotherapy treatment you receive will be a combination of several treatments, which may include
  • Recommend rest amended
  • therapy or cold cryotherapy
  • heat therapy
  • transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
  • ultrasound therapy
  • soft tissue mobilization / massage
  • joint mobilization
  • Manual stretching
  • graduated range of motion (ROM) exercises
  • general conditioning exercises
  • flexibility / stretching exercises
  • Progressive strengthening exercises
  • patient education
    • Approximately pulled muscles
    • Precautions
    • activity or profession modification
    • self-care symptom
    • Pulled muscle injury prevention
  • iontophoresis / phonophoresis
  • suggest use of aid by foot if necessary
  • Walking aid training / education process
  • training on the proper weight lifting
  • postural training

Not all listed below physiotherapy above will be provided for you. Only your personal physiotherapist will be able to help you decide on appropriate treatments are best for your condition and needs.

Your physical therapist may decide to provide you with home treatments and an exercise program to help speed your recovery. Always follow the instructions of your therapist carefully.

Your physical therapist will discuss with you specific treatments you will receive. Do not hesitate to ask questions about your treatment. Your therapist will gladly answer your questions.

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Conditions / injury | Physical Therapy | Health and Well-being

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