Home remedies for pulled muscles

Home remedies for pulled muscles -
If you have a pulled muscle or muscle fatigue, you might have difficulty moving your body part injured because of pain. Depending on the severity of your pulled muscle, you may also be be swelling, and tenderness. Make simple home remedies can help manage your symptoms.

RICE therapy for pulled muscles

At the time of your injury, you must apply RICE therapy . RICE stands for rest, ice, compression and elevation.
  • Rest

    At the time of your injury, you have to stop the activity and take some rest. Continuing your activity or sport through your pain can lead to injuries or delayed healing. Avoid movements that aggravate your symptoms.

    Complete bed rest is not recommended however. Sitting for long periods can cause muscle and joint stiffness and delayed healing of tissue. You can continue to do the simple chores without adding stress to your injured limb.

    While you rest, to apply ice.

  • Ice

    Apply an ice pack immediately after your injury. Avoid direct application of the package for a long time. Always wrap the ice pack with a towel before applying to your pulled muscle for no more than 20 minutes at a time. Apply ice pack every three to four hours during the first two to three days after your injury. Icing may help reduce pain and minimize or prevent swelling of training.

    Once your swelling and pain disappeared, you can apply a heat pack (wrapped in a towel) to help aid in your healing of injured tissues.
    • When using ice to Muscle Strain
    • When using heat for Muscle Strain

  • compression

    If you do not use ice, wrap an elastic bandage or compression on your injured limb to help minimize or prevent swelling. Do not wrap the bandage too tight as this can impede blood flow. You can ask a qualified professional such as a physical therapist to teach you how to properly apply the bandage.

  • Elevate

    As you rest, try to raise your injured limb above the level of your heart if possible. This can help minimize the swelling in your injured muscle training.

You can take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen to help with your pain and swelling. Taking NSAIDs for prolonged periods is not recommended. If RICE therapy is effective for you, you can do away with medication against pain.

You can use a walking aid such as a cane or a crutch, if you have an injured leg to help decrease stress on your injured muscle. The walking aid that you use must be set correctly for you. Your physical therapist can help you recommend a walking aid properly fit for you.

Exercise after your symptoms have disappeared

After a few days, your symptoms may already be gone. You can start simple, range of motion and stretching exercises to help improve your range of motion and relieve muscle stiffness. gradually include strengthening exercises in your exercise program. A physical therapist may be able to help create a safe exercise program for you.

When your doctor

You should consult your doctor immediately if you have experienced severe pain and swelling at the time of your injury.

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See also
  • patient's Guide to stem groin
  • Low Back strain
  • Hamstrings Dragged
  • Pulled Calf

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Conditions / injury | Physical Therapy | Health and Well-being

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