All about Groin Strains - Patient's Guide to Stem Aine

All about Groin Strains - Patient's Guide to Stem Aine -

Groin strain, a common sports injury can cause pain and swelling and can limit your ability to walk or run. Groin strains occur when one of your muscles located inside of your thigh is stretched beyond its limit causing pain. muscle tear may or may not occur. Groin strain is also called adductor strain or groin pull.

Your adductors

There are several muscles that make up your adductor muscles on the inside of your thigh. Your adductor muscles help move your leg towards your mid or central line. When you cross your legs, these muscles contract, as well.
  • Read more on adductors .

Groin Strain Causes

You can get the strain of the groin by one of the following :.
  • Your adductor muscle is overstretched, with or without tearing of muscle fibers
  • contraction Forceful adductor muscles, like kicking a ball side (the inner side of the foot).
  • overuse of the adductor muscles.
  • Direct blow to the inside of the thigh.

The athletes whose activities require the sudden jump, change direction, and functioning are especially at risk of groin injury. These can include sports football, basketball, rugby, ice skating and ice hockey.

Risk factors for Groin Strain

There are several risk factors that are associated with the development of the strain of the groin. If you have a risk factor for the condition, it does not mean that you have groin injury. However, two or more risk factors can increase your chances of developing the condition

Some of these factors may include muscle stiffness. not warming up before strenuous activity; and training or improper technique.
  • Read more on Factors contributing to Groin Strain .


the most common symptom of groin strain is pain in the groin or thigh interior. Depending on the severity of your injury, your pain may be accompanied by
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • feeling "Popping" at the time of your injury
  • if small blood vessels are damaged bruises
  • Difficulty walking

for more background information on muscle strain ranking, visit:
  • muscle strain ranking - gravity muscle strain

Some of the symptoms of the groin strain can be similar to other musculoskeletal problems. In some cases, groin pain can occur from other non-muscle-related conditions such as urinary tract infection, hernia, and kidney stones. A consultation with your primary care doctor may need to find the real cause of your groin pain.
  • Groin Pain Groin Strain

Home Remedies / Treatments

There are several home remedies you can do to help manage your symptoms caused by a minor groin injury. By applying the RICE principle of treatment for minor injuries can be just enough for minor groin strains. RICE stands for rest, ice, compression and elevation.
  • home remedies for Groin Strain
  • RICE therapy for minor injuries
  • When to use ice for Muscle Strain
  • When using heat for Muscle Strain

Treatment options for

There are several treatment options for groin injury, including
  • RICE therapy
  • pain medications, such as aspirin or ibuprofen
  • Physiotherapy
  • use of walking aids, such as crutches
  • ultrasound therapy
  • surgery torn muscles

the type of treatment you receive depends on the severity of your injury. Your health care provider will help you determine the most appropriate treatment is best for you.

Physical therapy for Groin Strain

Physical therapy can help with your symptoms groin strain. In addition, physical therapy will be able to help you return to your original activities or sport, as fast and safe as possible.

Your physical therapist will create a comprehensive rehabilitation program for you based on the results of your initial evaluation and review, your symptoms and your goals.

In most cases, your therapist will teach you exercises to help stretch tight muscles and strengthening exercises. You can receive other physiotherapy treatments as well. Your PT will guide you throughout your rehabilitation.
  • More information on Physical therapy for Groin Strain .
  • About pulled muscles

More topics:

Conditions / injury | Physical Therapy | Health and Well-being

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